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The Baloch News disseminates news focusing the important issues around the world with an especial focus on Balochistan.

Changes in world had always been witnessed through the confrontation of thoughts and ideas. In order to make these ideas reach thousands of people within due time, there is a need of a carrier and that carrier becomes the book. When...
What is worse than being born in a Baloch family? What is more unfortunate than being a family member or a friend of disappeared individual? What is even more dreadful than not knowing where you’re loved-ones are?
The Free and Fare Election Network (FAFEN), a coalition of 50 leading civil society organisations, has published its initial assessment report of General Election 2018. The report, which publishes feedback from FAFEN’s over 19,000 observers that monitored the polling process, states...
Panjgur is a big city of Balochistan_ present in Makran Division_ with a depended population of around 4 lacs. Unfortunately, the district has been encountered the worst city in Makran Division in field of education for last couple of...
A significant amount of thalassemia patients in Turbat need blood, either monthly or after every 15 days; some others need blood transfusion even earlier than that. Sadly, the city lacks a Thalassemia Centre enhancing the clouds of worrisome for...
Everyday, as the sun rises in Balochistan, I get to see children hoping for a better day and dreaming for a brighter future. But, I mourn again as the sun sets. All those hopes and dreams of these helpless...
By: Kamalan Translation: Ali Jan Maqsood Upon the teacher’s commence in the class, he opened the register and began to take attendance. Iqra? Present (Labbaik). Kareem? Present, teacher. Nazul? Yes, Sir. Ghulam? Yes, teacher (Jee Waja). The teacher lifted his head up and started looking at Ghulam... Teacher: Son, have you...
"When they have no interest in living anymore, when they feel no other options left, when they cannot find any apparent reason to continue living, they die by suicide." The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one...
What is freedom? What is democracy? What is nationalism? What should children be taught? How can nuclear weapons destroy the mankind? These are some unsettling questions we confront in the contemporary age. The eminent philosopher, Bertrand Russell has offered...
On May 26 in Dannuk, Turbat, a woman named Malik Naz was assassinated and her child Bramsh was injured by the muggers. This cruel act raised a huge hue and cry in all over Balochistan. People came on the...