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The Baloch News disseminates news focusing the important issues around the world with an especial focus on Balochistan.

The daughter of famous Balochi singer Rasool Baksh Panjguri lost the battle of life as she was suffering from cancer disease. She was under treatment in Rahat Kada Hospital Karachi but due to lack of proper treatment she could not...
Baloch Students Action Committee-Karachi University (BSAC-KU) held its Unit Body Meeting on Friday,  September 14, 2018, under the presidency of Ex-Organizer BSAC-KU Fareed Baloch, at Criminology Department,  Karachi University. Adil Baloch was elected as Unit Secretary, Asif Baloch as Deputy...
Education is a medicine for everyone which provides them power. Education is the greatest light which enlightens every part of life. Without education a nation cannot be developed. Sorrowfully, hundred of thousands of poor children are withdrawn from education because...
Baloch Students Action Committee (BSAC) organized a walk on International Book Day in Bolan Medical College (BMC) Quetta. The theme of the walk was to create awareness about the importance of books and to promote reading culture among the students. The...
Technology in the modern world functions as an integral part of the human life. Fom the televisions you watch to the mobile phones you use to connect with your near and dear ones: from the car you drive to...
Shabir Rakshani is a resident of Awaran. He obtained his basic education from his home town Awaran. In childhood he wished to become a doctor to serve the society, but due to financial crisis and poverty he couldn’t accomplish...
In the holy month of Ramadan, in a country built in the name of Islam, that too in the presence of the claimant rulers of the state of Madina, the state institution raped a minor, Murad Baloch. This is not...
Students of Balochistan staged a protest in front of Quetta press club against the non-functional new medical colleges in Balochistan. The students said after decades government finally took a step for the betterment of health sector in 2013 and approved...
There are some books which are confined only to their respective subjects and people tackle a little win from them. Unlike to it, there are also such books which become the sole reason of lifetime success and prosperity of...
Reading books has always been a part of daily routine of professionals and it has been appreciated worldwide for the sake of knowledge. People embraced the books in Victorian age to save the literature and then it was the...