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The Baloch News disseminates news focusing the important issues around the world with an especial focus on Balochistan.

The proper attention on healthcare sector is very essential for the security of humans' healths from dangerous health-related issues faced by the people. The emerging problems of Balochistan's healthcare system have darkened the future of multiple patients whose treatments...
Hazara community, belonging to Shia sect of Islam, are a persian-speaking ethnic group of people having roots in Afghanistan's mountainous regions. They have a total of around 8 million population; four millions reside in Afghanistan, some 9,00,000 are living...
Lyari has suffered a prolonged period of turmoil in shape of gang war, murder and unprecedented instability. War and destruction had left the soil of Lyari Barren. Lyari which was famous for the dwellers of literature and art turned into red...