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In the opinion portion we include the personal thoughts of the individuals who wish ans desire to express their ideas in their writings.

 Walking with my friend through the way of college as usual I saw a 10 year old child collecting plastics, having a trusting innocence of childhood and dreams shattered in his eyes, which shock me to the...
Mahira Ahmed Miyanji, a social figure who is making her contribution to empower girls by providing free education. A dream to eliminate deprivation of getting education amongst non-going school girls has come true through initiative, Woman Is A Nation...
  Zulfikar Ali Zulfi Jan Muhammad Dashti not only played a crucial role for Balochi language and literature, he also contributed much for the uplift of Urdu journalism in Balochistan. He was an intellectual and discussed about every social and literary subject...
Baloch student politics has unprecedentedly contributed to alter the political discourse of Baloch and gained worldwide recognition and appreciation. The political activism among youth created sublime and charismatic leadership for the nation who left no stone unturned to pay...
" Mum, I am getting late for school and my classmates are here by some minutes as we ought to go towards school exactly at twenty to seven." Ali Jan told his mother when he was having the breakfast. "Dear,...
In this season of Autumn in Balochistan, leaves of fear are shedding new leaves of hope on their way but leaves don't shed easily rather the change in nature make them to fall. Seema you're making the leaves fall. Seema...

The PUBG curse

PUBG or Player’s unknown battle ground is a game that was released in March 23, 2017. PUBG is one of the most famous played game worldwide. The strategy of the game is like around hundred players are thrown in a battle ground...
Noor Ahmed Jugri For the due description of God’s blessings, humans become wordless and voiceless. What human can do is to sing the praises of all mercies in each beat of heart. Imagination too supports to gain enough strength to...
Since centuries we the girls have been chained in the cultural, tribal and societal norms and values in the name of dignity and honour which in real fact has nothing to do with any gender. Such thoughts have been indicted...
It could have been harsh for me to break the traditional norms of my neighborhood as I have never expected anything in return and I never have so much flattery for little success of slavery (a job). So, what...