Home Balochistan Personalities


The Baloch News is an online media organization, you will find about Baloch personalities on our website. Our team is always struggling for more information about personalities.

The mind has ways of dealing with loss and stress which enable us to remain mentally balanced and more or less happy. Likewise, we find some people who express their inner feelings, could be caused by love, loneliness or...
There exist a great number of nations which entered the battleground in defense of their sovereign state or to sustain the national status, but very rare pages of history are found to be blackened, where the organized army of...
Baloch have always fought the occupied forces to secure the Baloch people and their territories. During the British rule, many of the Baloch tribes had fought wars against the British colonialism and many of the Baloch were killed and...
The development of literature always lies in the efforts of the writers who are there to write in their language to develop it. Their written works are the beauty of their language, and the token of the advancement of...
Very few individuals exist after their physical existence vanish. They are the immoral ones. Baloch history does not lack such immortal personalities. One of the major examples is Syed Zahoor Shah Hashumi, whose entire life was for Baloch, Balochi...