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The Baloch News publishes articles that highlight the social, economical and political issues of Balochistan and The Baloch News also publishes materials that provide infotainment to the audiences. The writings that focus the global issues are also placed in The Baloch News website.

Balochistan is the biggest province of Pakistan by area which approximately covers 44% of state’s total land area. The provincial languages of Balochistan are a few, main of which are Balochi and the Brahvi languages. Unfortunately, unalike the other...
To my dearest friend; no, rather rudest friend, I don't hold hopes these days but I believe you are fine and living each event blessfully. Since you no more find me around you. Nevertheless, there is no more me to irritate...
Balochistan is one of the fortunate regions of the world for its natural resources, but unfortunately, people of Balochistan are deprived of many fundamental human rights which is disturbing. One of the very basic facilities, the province lacks, is...
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”. Over the last few weeks we have seen a sudden uprising against...
The recent American unconditional withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan opens up the window for a humanitarian crisis which not only affects the Afghan population, but it also endangers the lives of million in neighborhood. The current situation in Afghanistan...
For around two weeks until now, families of Baloch missing persons have been protesting outside the Governor’s house in the red zone asking for the formation of a judicial commission – which was formed by the provincial government –...
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin is the cure to make one free from mental illness. The book tells you the secrets by which people find success in their lives. The book teaches several lessons...
In the Baloch history, we find people living like nomads who migrated to different areas which were suitable for their herds and themselves. In the modern age, still a large group of people live life as nomadic. Basically, “Nomad”...
Dear Daddy! My real smile comes when I am with you. In general, it takes millions of people to make the world, but mine is completeted with only one and it is you. I can never express how much...
My mind just clicked the flashlight of that shadow, an existence of a sorrowful soul who had tears as white like shroud and unspoken words scattered in the environment. People around were repenting and engrossed in deep recitals not...