Home Letters


The Baloch News provides a platform to the students and youngsters who have the desire to express their views about situations happening around them in their surrounding. So the Baloch News publishes the letters of the students and youngsters who have started writing and wish to improve themselves in writing field.

By child, I mean the ones below 14 or 15 years old and labourers are those persons who are working, especially physically. In Balochistan more than 33 percent children are working in many places such as shops, restaurants, garages, and...
Once again the Shia community has been targeted in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan where five people were killed and one was seriously injured. Actually, it is the fourth time that the Hazara Muslims are targeted by terrorist groups in...
Every living creature including human being on the surface of earth is in dire need of good healthcare and systematic way of life. Health is defined as a condition or state in which someone or something feels physically, psychologically...
Kech district is said to be one of the intellectual hubs of Balochistan. It is also the second most populous district of Balochistan with around 1 million population. There is a university and a medical college with over 4,500...
Dasht is a well-known tehsil of district Kech(Turbat), Balochistan. According to the last census of March 2017, tehsil Dasht population is approximately 77,291. However, this region has been suffering from illiteracy for years and the administration along with other authorities...
I am writing without even knowing what. I am trying to bump over some grief that haunts without even relating to it from before. I miss hearing, seeing and associating him with never having him met. There is severe damage...
Media plays an important role in today's life. It provides data and information about all over the world. It is the main source of providing information and entertainment which are television, internet, newspapers, radio etc. There are two types of...
Sohbat Pur is a district of Balochistan.  It used to be a backward area and the people of it were not aware of education. The literacy rate of the district was very less as most of the children and...
Provisional director of malaria control program revealed that more than 7,000 children in Balochistan are affected with this disease annually.  He added that up to 1.6  million people in Pakistan are effected by Malaria  and many deaths have also occurred...
Civil hospital is the only governmental hospital in Turbat and for its adjoining areas. But,unfortunately the hospital faces numerous problems, lack of bathroom is one of them. The hospital lacks bathrooms in its testing area .It has only one bathroom...