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Scope of Baloch student politics

Scope of Baloch student politics Noor Baloch

Scope of Baloch student politics Noor Baloch

Baloch student politics has unprecedentedly contributed to alter the political discourse of Baloch and gained worldwide recognition and appreciation. The political activism among youth created sublime and charismatic leadership for the nation who left no stone unturned to pay any price for the political cause of the nation. Some scholars and historians trace back the history of Baloch student politics from 1934/35, while the others from 1962/67.

The nourishment of prominent leaders, doing left politics or parliamentarian politics, had taken place in the platform of Baloch Students Organisation (BSO). To make it simple, BSO has been the sole asset of Baloch nation politically educating the masses.

The journey of BSO met with numerous ups and downs in shape of fractions which are apparently undeniable actions in any movement. It vigorously encountered and stood enthusiastically with massive public trust among the youth.

Enforced disappearances, profiling, harassment, killing, dumping and threatening of students surged as a routine to restrict rising voices of the diligently aware segment of society; meanwhile, some political parties in Baluchistan gave up their narrative besides having seen the traumatic scenes. Gradually and slowly, the ground for activists, who shaped the political culture and perception, turned heinous. The contemporary phenomena in Baluchistan seems enormously dangerous for youth to step out and voice for their rights and question the human rights violations. The students enrolled in distinct institutions or staying in bigger cities willing or unwilling, involved or not but are discriminately bearing equivocal treatment.

I firmly believe leadership matters. I have staunch stand that student organization, with the passage of time, lacked the potential leaders who could strongly stand against the elements influencing their activism and dragging them out from homes. After mass organizations and parties lost the ground, student political organisations stepped ahead to endeavor those goals.

Unfortunate fact is that students have endeavored to bridge the gap of mass leaders and organizations; consequently, the struggle for filling the political and organizational vacuum caused vulnerability which paved the way for the elements which could hunt them in broad daylight. Historically speaking, mass organizations have ignited political culture and perception of students so that their acquaintance with the formation of public will can help the coming generations to be politically stable and civilized. However, Baloch depicts an opposite image of political socialisation.

Baloch student organisations need to remain in their scope in order to firmly shape their ways. The political socialisation of youth should comprise the provision of relevant literature, holding study circles, seminars and educating them to stay away from the toxic thoughts, illogical discussions and so forth. It shall be obligatory for student political organizations to eradicate complexities and ensure the manifestation of their national program. They should bring students under the single slogan and platform which is the urgent need. Politically educating students to form a future leadership, which could protect identity of Baloch nation and preserve its history, is only feasible when they are nourished from one platform. Fractioned and grouped student organizations won’t decide any path.

Multitasking and wearing robes of mass organisation cripples and weakens their activism. It is right time student leaders understood that now and never are they going to fill the shoes of mass parties. They have to part their ways from now on. If anything has damaged BSO and student politics, then that is the ignorance of their scope of politics.

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