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Picnic points in District Kech

Balochistan is rich naturally with possession of precious mineral resources and mountainous areas. It possess numerous historical and beautiful sites which point out the beauty of nature. The mountains of Balochistan have attractive picnic points, historical and touristy places which are naturally pulchritudinous as a whole.

Some of the most beautiful mountainous regions of Kech are; Nali, Chappi, Saad, Khonardan etc where numerous people from different areas of Balochistan visit for picnics and capturing photographs. Once someone visits the mentioned touristy areas, they will always remember the memorable trip.

However, among the most famous picnic points, Nali is best-known for its beauty and wonderful site that is located in northern side of Kassak village in mountains. Nali is a mountainous place_ covered with the highest mountains in which pure water comes out and flow for years even without any rain. The people from Kech love to visit Nali for picnics and enjoyment; because the mountains look well-designed and attractive. The place is historically famous and known for its natural beauty that inspires others to visit there especially in enjoyable occasions.

Apart from Nali, Chappi is another impressive and attractive historical place which is very popular for its natural beauty. It is located in northern side of Kiken village which is approximately 40 kilometers away from Turbat. The place is liked by the people who want to have trips there for enjoying the beauty of mountains. It is also known as a touristy place where people visit to have refreshments and celebrating enjoyable parties with friends. The people from nearby villages visit this place every weekend for picnics.

My recent visit to Chappi for a picnic totally made me to think about the actual beautification of nature and its existence. The highest peaks looked alluring with the beauty of greenery and purity of mountain-generated water. In fact, one can easily find the actual beauty of nature_ consisting of highest peaks of mountains, different trees, purity of water, natural-designed areas and many more which compel the human beings to ponder how beautiful the nature is with its attractiveness. Such places always make people meditate upon the existence of nature and its identification.

Certainly, Balochistan is entirely popular for such exemplary and historical regions which always make one to wonder about the existence of nature. The promotion of such touristy places is the need of hour. Every countryman needs to be aware of the real beauty of Balochistan. If Balochistan’s touristy places would have been focused by its government, then thousands of foreign tourists would love to visit Pakistan. Lucky are those who are blessed with such touristic places with natural beauty.

The tourists from all across Makran love to visit Nali and Chappi where they get pleasure to spend their vacations with full of joys. I wish I were a bird to fly and sing in such marvelous places with reminding the visitors about the existence of beautiful nature. They are our assets. We need to promote them for a better and peaceful environment.

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