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Things to do in the quarantine

The deadly Corona Virus has sneaked into every district of the country up to now. The petrified countrymen have gone under a quarantined period. The time for their locked period has almost exceeded a duration of two months which undoubtedly signify that boredom has gripped its root in every house.

Everyone has the same questions: what to do? How to kill this boredom?

Let us take a start with an inevitable fact: there is no such thing as ‘spare time’ for the human beings. It means that we are persistently doing something but not always that we observe that ‘doing’.

Centering the point, what to do this quarantine?

Books are the best company one can have. And Mason Cooley said it very well, “Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are.”

He uttered it precisely right. Even during this quarantined staying within the four walls of the house, the books can take us to a disparate world. Fetch a book from your old-dusted stack, or from a friend or even on internet. And read it.

Reading a book by yourself is not that interesting to many of you, but quitting the idea to reading is not wise either.

There is one more thing. Read a book, gather your family members and give a brief presentation. Presentation not only helps you retain the idea of the book but it is also a source of encouragement for you and a motivation for the other members of the family too. This is sharing knowledge, in fact.

Furthermore, this is the most precious and fragile time for an individual to spend quality time with his families. We have always been far from our families either for studying purpose or job. Why don’t we spend quality time full of laughter and smile, love and gay with our family?

Spending quality time with your family also means cultivating positivity among the children. Bowing among them the seed of wisdom because for their entire life they have been learning facts. But today, in this quarantine period, don’t give your children knowledge but wisdom. Tell them stories, teach them lessons and let them learn the perks of being a human being.

The hectic routine of our “normal” life had very less time for our body, soul and mind. This quarantine is the perfect time to provide your body, soul and mind what it needs. Get energetic and exercise, let your muscles grow tighter, your fat decimated and your breath more fresh. If you have a big house with a good lawn and playground, you are good to go. You can start a walk or even jogging. Get your kids and play football or cricket.

Apart from outdoor games, Indoor games also boost up minds counting chess, scrabble or even luddo. And for solace, go for a meditation, do some yoga, there will come to you an eloquent state of tranquility.

How about doing something productive? Ever thought of a kitchen garden? It is time to think. It is summer and the crops grow well. Fix a tiny land in front of your house, fetch some seeds, and let them grow. After a month, you will be able to eat the crop you have invested your sweats on.

Females drop this idea because horticulture sounds a weird activity for them. But there are bundle more activities they can do like embroidery, sewing beautiful dresses or cooking new dishes every other day. There is always much to do than to think what to do.
It only takes 40 days to build a habit let it be of reading or exercise.

Avail every moment of quarantine doing something productive. This is your time, you choose how to spend it.

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