Panwan is one of the backward territories,situated in Jiwani area of district Gwadar. It has remained deprived from the fundamental facilities like education.The school of Panwan has been upgraded from the primary to middle standard, but the number of teachers has not been increased.

Due to lack of teachers, students are facing several difficulties related to their subjects. There only exist three teachers who surely cannot teach the complete students properly. There is dire need of science and English teachers in school, but the concern authorities have turned a blind eye to this serious issue.

Moreover, the ratio of girls education is extremely low in Panwan, but our writers and leaders both are silent about the issues of girls education due to which a large number of girls are being deprived of gaining education. It seems as if the concerned authorities have no eyes to see No ear to hear.

It is a well known fact that education is the basic right to everyone, but in #Panwan there is No Trend to sending girls in school as a result most of the girls are out of school at the age of five or eight years.

The girls school in the area is closed due to broken doors, windows and the school is deprived of very basic facilities. It is a state of shame for the local authorities that they even cannot maintain a school in their area.


N.R Baloch

Jiwani, Panwan

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